Friday, March 7, 2008

Another Problem with Religion

I almost forgot my other huge problem with religion. It is short so I decided to place it in an additional post. The fact that people need a religion to tell them the difference between virtue and vice is disgusting. I have often heard people ask, "If you are an atheist how can you believe in morals." Well I have a brain, and I use it. Why is it so hard to assume that I can use my reason to figure out what is right and wrong? People who believe in God are so self-loathing. By believing in God they are saying, "Oh, I am just too simple and dumb to figure out what right and wrong is myself. I need an incomprehensible, contradictory, incoherently complex, imaginary being to tell me what is right and wrong." People give man so little credit. I give man a lot of credit. He has this amazing potential because he has this extraordinary tool called reason. The things he can accomplish with that are wonderful. Only if people would not be so lazy and actually use it for a change.

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