Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Humans Versus Zombies

Within the next few days I will complete my first year of college; therefore, I will have time to begin posting again after about a two week hiatus. However, I will be without Internet question for a few days after finishing with all my final essays. Therefore, I thought I would squeeze in this post today, so I would not end up having three Friday movie reviews in a row.

For a while I have wanted to post something about a game that takes place at my college once a semester. The game is called Humans Versus Zombies (HVZ). It is a campus wide game that takes about two weeks and is comprised of about 150 players. The concept of the game is that everyone starts out as a human, denoted by an arm band. From all these players the moderators randomly select an initial zombie from a raffle. The raffle is comprised of human players who voluntarily submit their names. Some people never want to be the initial zombie, so the moderators do not force these players. The zombies are denoted by a head band, except the initial zombie does not have to wear this for the first twenty-four hours. Basically, the objective of the zombies is to eat all the humans. Whenever a zombie tags a human, the human becomes a zombie after some kind of transforming period of about forty-five minutes. However, zombies must eat every forty-eight hours. If they do not eat for that amount of time, they starve and die. There is a website where every zombie must register their kills, so the moderators can keep track of which zombies are dead or undead. Also, humans that are transformed into zombies must register the change on the website. Obviously, this seems quite unfair for the humans, but the humans are allowed to carry rolled socks, grenades, and Nerf guns, guns, to defend themselves. If a Nerf dart or sock hits a zombie, the zombie is stunned for fifteen minutes. The zombie can walk around, but it cannot participate in the game. The Nerf guns are welcomed all over campus except in the safe zones, which include academic buildings, bathrooms, offices, library, dinning halls, and auditoriums. This just means the guns must be concealed in the safe zones. Also, zombies are not allowed to attack in the safe zones because the humans have no means of protecting themselves. Dorm rooms are also safe zones with some leeway. If a zombie can lean into a room and tag a human without stepping into a room, the tag is fine. If a zombie can reach in through a window and tag a human, the tag is fine. However, the zombie may not enter the dorm room without the individual's permission. Of course, one may stun a zombie, invite him inside, then stun him every fifteen minutes. However, if the human forgets the zombie may attack. Finally, the humans can only win this game if all the zombies starve to death.

Now, obviously, some people have some problems with this game, and obviously I have problems with these people. I submitted an article to my school newspaper about the issue because they publish a story about HVZ every time the game is played. Of course, I do not really know this because I do not read any news papers; however, this is what I over hear people saying. Unfortunately, the article was not accepted. The editor never even contacted me after he said he would remain in touch. This is probably because the article was too belligerent or something. It was not accessible to a wide audience is another fan favorite argument against my writing style. Of course, my blog writing style is not my formal writing style. My formal writing style is more evident in the article, yet still not completely there. This blog is clearly very casual, and there is a casual element to the article. However, it still has my edge. Below is the rejected article I submitted.


An Objectivist Defense of Humans versus Zombies

As a freshman, last semester was my first experience with the on campus game, humans versus zombies (HVZ). By ‘experience’ I actually mean that I was just on campus while the game was being played. As is my policy with all Goucher social events, I did not participate in any aspect of HVZ, which includes both the actual game and debate surrounding the game. However, this semester I am somewhat changing my policy. Once again I will not participate in the actual game, but I will participate in the debate via this article. The reason I choose to enter the HVZ debate is because I have a serious problem with those who would like to see this game banned.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with HVZ. Some who defend this game argue that it creates a stronger Goucher community because it brings together differing students. This is of no importance and is the weakest of all defenses of HVZ. The true reason as to why there is nothing wrong with HVZ is that it is a harmless game. Harmless is the important word here. HVZ is a game of pretend initiation of force. No player purposefully injures any other player, all players voluntarily consent to the game, and the game does not obstruct the lives of non-players. Since HVZ does not initiate force, does not violate anyone’s natural rights, it would be wrong for Goucher College to ban the game. However, some other individuals incorrectly believe otherwise.

The most disturbing element surrounding HVZ is not the game itself, but those in favor of banning the game. The fan favorite argument against HVZ is that the game’s pseudo war model is wrong. In other words, it is wrong to pretend to initiate force. It is fine if individuals believe this; however, these individuals argue that HVZ’s pretend violence is the reason Goucher College should ban the game. These individuals argue Goucher College should initiate force against those who pretend to initiate force, those who are not initiating force, those who are innocent. Anyone who believes this is a sound and virtuous argument has a warped understanding of reason and skewed moral hierarchy. It is always vicious to initiate force; therefore, it would be wrong for Goucher College to ban HVZ. Of course, the proponents of such a ban would incorrectly argue that Goucher College would not be initiating force in banning HVZ. What these people forget is that a ban of HVZ requires enforcement. If HVZ were banned but people were to play it regardless, then security guards would have to break up the game. This is where the initiation of force occurs. Even if an HVZ ban were obeyed, the initiation of force is still present because people would not play out of fear that force would be initiated against them.

However, this is not the most disturbing element surrounding HVZ. It is certainly far more disturbing than the game, but there is something even more stomach turning. The most perverse element is that the individuals arguing for Goucher College to initiate force against the players of HVZ claim to be victims. In order to be a victim one must have force initiated against him. These individuals are in the exact opposite position; these individuals are calling for the initiation of force. They claim it is difficult to see a game of pseudo violence because it is reminiscent of truly traumatic experiences like war and murder. War, murder, and true violence are horrible traumatic experiences, but those experiences do not legitimize the initiation of force against innocent pretenders. Proponents of an HVZ ban are nothing more than warmongers behind a smokescreen of sympathy and pity.

There are, of course, other arguments against HVZ with more legitimate claims, such as, ‘HVZ obstructs the lives of non-players.’ Though this is a more legitimate claim, I do not believe it is true. I myself am a non-player, and I never found HVZ to obstruct my life. Most other non-players also seem to go about their days without an HVZ obstruction. Actually, that protest concerning the Mexican-American border was more obstructing than HVZ. Another important point to mention is that Goucher College is a private institution; therefore, it does have the right to ban or regulate HVZ or any on campus activity in almost any way it sees fit. Of course, just because Goucher College has the right to act in such a manner does not make it correct. Finally, it is also important to point out that HVZ is actually nothing more than a sport, and all sports are just models of war, pretend initiations of force. Therefore, those opposed to HVZ for its pseudo war model must also be opposed to all sports. Suspiciously enough, I have not heard of anyone calling for Goucher College to and tear down the Sports and Recreation Center and ban all sports."


Dave said...

A few things came to mind as I was reading this

This definitely has everything to do with Americans being hypersensitive, every little action has to be scrutinized over and over again. If a few people are offended by something it has to be made "politically correct" through initiation of force on people who most of the time are just enjoying a hobby, game, or even a belief. The truth is that Americans think of only individual freedom, which is not a vice at all. In fact we need this, but what we also need to remember is that everyone is this country has the same rights and even if something is against your beliefs you should not have force initiated against them by any means if it is not affecting your freedom.

of course I am speaking generally here

Anonymous said...

The only point I would disagree with is "that Americans think of only individual freedom." I believe what you are arguing is that Americans do not see beyond their own freedom. Basically, people act freely in the way they consider correct. Since they believe they are correct, they believe everyone should act as they do. Obviously, this requires the violation of natural rights, freedom, to enforce. The problem is not that Americans are overly concerned with individual freedom, it is that they do not fully understand individual freedom. Their philosophy is actually rife with logical inconsistencies and moral compromises. If one considers their concept of individual freedom it is the following: they get to act freely, while everyone must be forced. That is not a rational understanding of individual freedom. In the beginning it is individual freedom: they as individuals get to act freely according to their morality. However, then it morphs into collectivism: the group must act as they do. The ending is not concerned with individual freedom. The ending is concerned with collective behavior.