Saturday, November 8, 2008

Politicians Are Like Jesus

No, that is not a compliment. However, maybe the more appropriate title would have been "Politicians' Supporters Like Jesus' Disciples." Unfortunately, it just doesn't have the same ring.

Anyway, I began thinking about this, while on the myface. I am a visual person. I like images. Therefore, most of my time on the myface is spent looking at other people's pictures. Most of them aren't very good. Sometimes its like someone gave a crack baby a camera. Everything is all out of photos, the shots are diagonal, people's nostrils are up against the lens. Whoever has the camera has to use some common sense. Furthermore, they should not read this and hide behind the nonsense that it is abstract art or something. No. That is not the case. The case is you are trigger happy with a camera, and since you have a digital camera, with a million image limit on the number of photographs, you lack any motivation to stop, frame up a shot, and click.

As anyone can tell. I am not in a very good mood. College has been driving me insane; however, that is a topic for another day.

As I was saying. I was looking through some myface pictures, and since the election just occured most of them were reaction shots. Additionally, I believe all of them were reaction shots of supporters of Barack Obama. The shots show individuals out on the quad, jumping up and down, hugging, high fiving, waving the peace sign, and worst of all, crying with joy.

This is incredibly disturbing and overwhelmingly gross. Regardless of what these individuals claim to be their religious beliefs, even if they claim they are atheist, they have selected a new God, a Jesus equivalent.

First, I want to make it clear I am not singling out Obama supporters. Nonsense like this happens for all sorts of political elections throughout history and across the globe. The only connection to Barack Obama this really has, is that the images were of Obama supporters. However, in another time they could have been John F. Kennedy supporters, Ronald Reagan supporters, really the supporters of any politician. The problem here is not necessarily the candidate (though politicians and political candidates do have a wide array of problems) the problem here is the disturbing reaction as if they are worshiping a God.

This situation reminds me of a quote from Ayn Rand's We The Living.
"Well, if I asked people whether they believed in life, they'd never understand what I meant. It's a bad question. It can mean so much that it really means nothing. So I ask them if they believe in God. And if they say they do -- then, I know they don't believe in life.... Because, you see, God -- whatever anyone chooses to call God -- is one's highest conception of the highest possible. And whoever places his highest conception above his own possibility thinks very little of himself and his life. It's a rare gift, you know, to feel reverence for your own life and to want the best, the greatest, the highest possible, here, now, for your very own."
These individuals do not love life. For, they believe in a Jesus equivalent. They believe the politician is the greatest thing since sliced bread, that the politician makes life worth living. Politicians do not make life better. Government does not make life better. One makes his life better. Improving one's life, achieving happiness, is a personal pursuit. It is not something achieved through government handouts, or politicians' careers.

Unfortunately, this is how these individuals are behaving. They believe this particular politician has infinitely improved their lives. This is a sick dependence comparable to the disciples of Jesus. These individuals have ground themselves down into human fodder to prop up the careers of individuals who will orchestrate thievery, murder, and the initiation of force behind a governmental-guise that at a distance appears as legitimacy. These individuals have destroyed themselves. Made themselves nothing more than support beams. Therefore, if their candidate fails, they collapse, for they believe they have no purpose.

It is true that a support beam without a platform is useless; however, men are not support beams. Men are never fodder, holding up a creature as a God. Men make their own purpose, by living their own lives, for their own happiness. Reducing one's self to a resource for others, is a complete contradiction of one's nature as an independent reasonable individual; therefore, it can only assure misery.

Obviously, these individuals are not as happy as they could be. Relying on other's successes to make one happy, to affirm one's own exist, never achieves happiness. However, they think they are happy now because they think all the promises of their God will come true. Unfortunately, over time, they will become disillusioned. They will see their Jesus is just another power seeking politician caring only for government's existence, not the individuals at all. Consequently, they will become unhappy. Obviously, the opponents supporters are now unhappy, once again because they relied on his success and not their personal accomplishments for happiness. Of course, this process will continue to repeat itself as it has in the passed until individuals' improve their philosophy.

However, those that realize this, realize how vicious government is regardless of what color and mascot it is dressed in, will be happy, or have a better potential to be happy than these individuals. The ones who realize this are not relying on any politician to succeed to affirm their own existence. They honestly could not care, or care very little. Instead, they solely care about their own lives, their own happiness. Therefore, they will not seek happiness from others success, from the ascent of a Jesus like others. Instead, they will go out and achieve happiness themselves.

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